“The happiness of the drop is to die in the river.” [Imam Al-Ghazali]


Do you know for the game of Risk which chances you have to win an attack if you have 15 armies on your country and the defending neighbour has 11? Now, with the new (current) rules of the game you could attack with 14 of your 15 armies and you would have a chance of about 79% to win: (see blue circle in the bottom matrix)


I have applied a conditional format which colours the back in red for chances of about 50% and below, the colour is yellowish for chances between 50% and 75% and becomes green if your chances are higher than 75%. Please notice that both matrices should theoretically be identical for the first two columns. Small differences are due to “incomplete” randomness of the finite Monte Carlo run with 10,000 tries.

Appendix – Game of Risk Code

Please note that you should also include the SystemState class.

Please read my Disclaimer.

Option Explicit

Const GCMonteCarloRuns = 10000

Sub Schedule()
'Calculate chances for an attacker at the game of risk for both the original
'version (both attacker and defender roll up to 3 dice) and the new version
'(attacker rolls up to 3 dice, defender only up to 2).
'Calls parametrized sub Calculate_Chances twice.
'Source (EN): http://www.sulprobil.de/game_of_risk_en/
'Source (DE): http://www.berndplumhoff.de/brettspiel_risiko_de/
'(C) (P) by Bernd Plumhoff 30-Sep-2012 PB V0.1
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim cPerf As clsPerf 'See: https://jkp-ads.com/Articles/performanceclass.asp

'Include SystemState class from http://sulprobil.com/html/systemstate.html
Dim state As SystemState
If gbDebug Then
  Set cPerf = New clsPerf
  cPerf.SetRoutine "Schedule"
End If
Application.StatusBar = False
Set state = New SystemState

Set ws = Sheets("Chances")

Call Calculate_Chances("Old Version: Both Attacker and defender roll up to" & _
  " 3 dice.", 1, 3)
Call Calculate_Chances("New Version: Attacker rolls up to 3 dice, defender" & _
  " only up to 2.", 23, 2)
Call ReportPerformance

End Sub

Sub Calculate_Chances(sTitle As String, _
    lOutputRow As Long, _
    lMaxDefenderArmies As Long)
'Calculate chances for an attacker at the game of risk.
'This sub calculates the chances for a matrix of 2 to 20 attacking armies
'against 1 to 20 defending armies.
'Reverse(moc.liborplus.www) V0.1 30-Sep-2012
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim k As Long
Dim m As Long
Dim lAttackerDice As Long
Dim lAttackerThrow As Long
Dim lAttackerResult(1 To 3) As Long
Dim lAttackerWins As Long
Dim lDefenderDice As Long
Dim lDefenderThrow As Long
Dim lDefenderResult(1 To 3) As Long
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim cPerf As clsPerf 'See: https://jkp-ads.com/Articles/performanceclass.asp

'Include SystemState class from http://sulprobil.com/html/systemstate.html
Dim state As SystemState
If gbDebug Then
  Set cPerf = New clsPerf
  cPerf.SetRoutine "Calculate_Chances"
End If

Application.StatusBar = False
Set state = New SystemState

With Application.WorksheetFunction
Set ws = Sheets("Chances")
ws.Cells(lOutputRow, 1) = sTitle
ws.Cells(lOutputRow + 1, 1) = "Attacker armies \ Defender armies"
For i = 2 To 20
  Application.StatusBar = "Calculating " & i & " attackers for " & sTitle
  For j = 1 To 20
    ws.Cells(i + lOutputRow, 1) = i
    ws.Cells(1 + lOutputRow, j + 1) = j
    lAttackerWins = 0
    For k = 1 To GCMonteCarloRuns
      lAttackerDice = i - 1 'One army needs to occupy the land and
                            'cannot be used to attack
      lDefenderDice = j
      Do While lAttackerDice > 0 And lDefenderDice > 0
        lAttackerThrow = lAttackerDice
        If lAttackerThrow > 3 Then lAttackerThrow = 3
        lDefenderThrow = lDefenderDice
        If lDefenderThrow > lMaxDefenderArmies Then
          lDefenderThrow = lMaxDefenderArmies
        End If
        'Roll the dice
        For m = 2 To 3
          lAttackerResult(m) = 0
          lDefenderResult(m) = 0
        Next m
        For m = 1 To lAttackerThrow
          lAttackerResult(m) = Int(1 + Rnd * 6)
        Next m
        For m = 1 To lDefenderThrow
          lDefenderResult(m) = Int(1 + Rnd * 6)
        Next m
        'Sort results
        If lAttackerResult(1) < lAttackerResult(2) Then
          If lAttackerResult(1) < lAttackerResult(3) Then
              If lAttackerResult(2) < lAttackerResult(3) Then
                  m = lAttackerResult(1)
                  lAttackerResult(1) = lAttackerResult(3)
                  lAttackerResult(3) = m
                   m = lAttackerResult(1)
                  lAttackerResult(1) = lAttackerResult(2)
                  lAttackerResult(2) = lAttackerResult(3)
                  lAttackerResult(3) = m
              End If
              m = lAttackerResult(1)
              lAttackerResult(1) = lAttackerResult(2)
              lAttackerResult(2) = m
          End If
          If lAttackerResult(1) < lAttackerResult(3) Then
              If lAttackerResult(2) < lAttackerResult(3) Then
                  m = lAttackerResult(1)
                  lAttackerResult(1) = lAttackerResult(3)
                  lAttackerResult(3) = lAttackerResult(2)
                  lAttackerResult(2) = m
              End If
              If lAttackerResult(2) < lAttackerResult(3) Then
                  m = lAttackerResult(2)
                  lAttackerResult(2) = lAttackerResult(3)
                  lAttackerResult(3) = m
              End If
          End If
        End If
        If lDefenderResult(1) < lDefenderResult(2) Then
          If lDefenderResult(1) < lDefenderResult(3) Then
            If lDefenderResult(2) < lDefenderResult(3) Then
              m = lDefenderResult(1)
              lDefenderResult(1) = lDefenderResult(3)
              lDefenderResult(3) = m
               m = lDefenderResult(1)
              lDefenderResult(1) = lDefenderResult(2)
              lDefenderResult(2) = lDefenderResult(3)
              lDefenderResult(3) = m
            End If
            m = lDefenderResult(1)
            lDefenderResult(1) = lDefenderResult(2)
            lDefenderResult(2) = m
          End If
          If lDefenderResult(1) < lDefenderResult(3) Then
            If lDefenderResult(2) < lDefenderResult(3) Then
              m = lDefenderResult(1)
              lDefenderResult(1) = lDefenderResult(3)
              lDefenderResult(3) = lDefenderResult(2)
              lDefenderResult(2) = m
            End If
            If lDefenderResult(2) < lDefenderResult(3) Then
              m = lDefenderResult(2)
              lDefenderResult(2) = lDefenderResult(3)
              lDefenderResult(3) = m
            End If
          End If
        End If
        'Analyze result and reduce armies
        For m = 1 To 3
          If lAttackerResult(m) > 0 And lDefenderResult(m) > 0 Then
            If lAttackerResult(m) > lDefenderResult(m) Then
              lDefenderDice = lDefenderDice - 1
              lAttackerDice = lAttackerDice - 1
            End If
            Exit For
          End If
        Next m
      If lAttackerDice > 0 Then
        lAttackerWins = lAttackerWins + 1
      End If
    Next k
    ws.Cells(i + lOutputRow, j + 1) = lAttackerWins / GCMonteCarloRuns
  Next j
Next i
End With
End Sub

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Chances_at_Game_of_Risk.xlsm [5) KB Excel file, open and use at your own risk]