You manage a car racing team and you like to plan for optimal pitstops during a race?
Appendix – Optimal_Pitstops Code
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Option Explicit
Sub optimale_boxenstopps()
'Calculates optimal pit stops for a car race.
'Source (EN): http://www.sulprobil.de/optimal_pitstops_en/
'Source (DE): http://www.berndplumhoff.de/optimale_boxenstopps_de/
'(C) (P) by Bernd Plumhoff 01-Jan-2023 PB V0.2
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim k As Long
Dim m As Long
Dim t As Long
Dim lRounds As Long
Dim dRound_1 As Double
Dim dRound_Time As Double
Dim dReset_Time As Double
Dim dTime_Total As Double
Dim dTime_Best As Double
Dim dInrcement As Double
Dim dPit_Stop As Double
Dim sPit_Stops As String
Dim sComma As String
Dim sSemiColon As String
Dim state As SystemState 'See https://www.sulprobil.de/systemstate_en/
Set state = New SystemState
lRounds = Range("Number_of_Rounds")
ReDim lIdx(1 To lRounds) As Long
dRound_1 = Range("Time_Round_1")
dReset_Time = Range("Reset_Time")
dInrcement = Range("Increment")
dPit_Stop = Range("Pit_Stop")
Range("E4:G4").FormulaArray = Array("Anzahl Stopps", "Gesamtzeit [s]", "Stopps in Runde(n)")
For t = 0 To lRounds 'Anzahl der Boxenstopps
dTime_Best = 1E+300
ReDim c(1 To t + 2) As Long
For j = 1 To t
c(j) = j - 1
Next j
c(t + 1) = lRounds
c(t + 2) = 0
dTime_Total = 0#
dRound_Time = dRound_1
For i = 1 To lRounds
dTime_Total = dTime_Total + dRound_Time
For m = 1 To t
If i = c(m) + 1 Then
dTime_Total = dTime_Total + dPit_Stop
dRound_Time = dReset_Time
Exit For
End If
Next m
If m > t Then dRound_Time = dRound_Time + dInrcement
Next i
If (dTime_Best > dTime_Total) Or (Abs(dTime_Best - dTime_Total) < 0.000000001) Then
If dTime_Best > dTime_Total Then
dTime_Best = dTime_Total
sPit_Stops = ""
sSemiColon = ""
End If
sComma = ""
sPit_Stops = sPit_Stops & sSemiColon
For m = 1 To t
sPit_Stops = sPit_Stops & sComma & c(m) + 1
sComma = ", "
Next m
sSemiColon = "; "
End If
j = 1
Do While c(j) + 1 = c(j + 1)
c(j) = j - 1
j = j + 1
c(j) = c(j) + 1
Loop Until j > t
Cells(t + 5, 5) = t
Cells(t + 5, 6) = dTime_Best
Cells(t + 5, 7) = sPit_Stops
Next t
If Columns("G:G").ColumnWidth > 70 Then Columns("G:G").ColumnWidth = 70
End Sub
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optimal_pitstops.xlsm [47 KB Excel file, open and use at your own risk]