

Appendix sbRandHistogrm Code

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Function sbRandHistogrm(dmin As Double, dMax As Double, _
            vWeight As Variant, Optional dRandom = 1#) As Double
'Specifies a histogram distribution with range dmin:dmax.
'This range is divided into vWeight.count classes. Each
'class has weight vWeight(i) reflecting the probability
'of occurrence of a value within the class.
'Similar to @Risk's function RiskHistogrm.
'Source (EN): http://www.sulprobil.de/sbrandhistogrm_en/
'Source (DE): http://www.berndplumhoff.de/sbrandhistogrm_de/
'(C) (P) by Bernd Plumhoff 18-Oct-2020 PB V1.01

Dim i As Long, n As Long, vW As Variant
Dim dRand As Double, dR As Double, dSumWeight As Double

With Application.WorksheetFunction
vW = .Transpose(.Transpose(vWeight))
End With

n = UBound(vW)
ReDim dSumWeightI(0 To n) As Double
dSumWeight = 0#
dSumWeightI(0) = 0#
For i = 1 To n
    If vW(i) < 0# Then 'A negative weight is an error
        sbRandHistogrm = CVErr(xlErrValue)
        Exit Function
    End If
    dSumWeight = dSumWeight + vW(i) 'Calculate sum of all weights
    dSumWeightI(i) = dSumWeight     'Calculate sum of weights till i
Next i

If dSumWeight = 0# Then  'Sum of weights has to be greater than zero
    sbRandHistogrm = CVErr(xlErrValue)
    Exit Function
End If

If dRandom = 1# Then
    dRand = Rnd()
    dRand = dRandom
End If
dR = dSumWeight * dRand

i = n
Do While dR < dSumWeightI(i)
    i = i - 1

sbRandHistogrm = dmin + (dMax - dmin) * _
     (CDbl(i) + (dR - dSumWeightI(i)) / vW(i + 1)) / CDbl(n)

End Function

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sbRandHistogrm.xlsm [99 KB Excel file, open and use at your own risk]