“Opportunity is missed by most because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” [Thomas Alva Edison]
One big issue with Microsoft Excel is the intrinsic mixture of data and of programs (formulas). VBA can help a bit here, but if you really want to separate the data from the programs you need to use a database.
My friend and former colleague (externer Link!) Mike R. developed a tiny but powerful simple database. It consists of two tables and two stored procedures. I use this with MS SQL Server. You can feed data into it via Excel / VBA and also retrieve data with Excel / VBA.
This database was implemented to
• Support selected processes with a simple central data repository
• Get rid of individual spreadsheets which have to be maintained with high effort
• Simplify the task of data retrieval and of data storage
• Enable additional calculations over defined periods of time and slice & dice calculations
• Precisely define user or process access rights
This database is a simple all-purpose database. After the initial setup there is no further need for database table maintenance or index maintenance (apart from deleting old records to avoid the database becoming too big).
• The database is not designed for mass storage – you are advised to define a regular data deletion (maintenance) procedure for each new field / data you regularly add to this database
• The design is simple and field orientated. There is no support for curves or for surfaces – which means you cannot store nor retrieve curves or surfaces in one go. All points would have to be dealt with individually. This is possible but it creates quite an overhead to the database engine. So if this needs to be used it should only be temporary and not for mass storage
• Fields are stored as string values. The user needs to convert all data into the required data types
There are 3 levels of access or responsibilities:
• Technology and help desk support – After initial setup the database is backed up on a daily basis, repair or restore can be done within two hours, new users with read or read/write access can be introduced or old users can be deleted within 24h.
• Super user with read/write access – YOU define new fields and feeds the database with approved rate sources.
• Other Users with read-only access – YOU are the owner of this database.
System Documentation
Technology is responsible for the database setup, user setup and for repair or restore of the database. And Technology has to ensure that this database is up and running with a monthly average availability of 99% during normal working hours. New users with read-only or read/write access can be introduced or old users can be deleted within 24h.
Since YOU are the owner of this database, all access right changes have to be approved by YOU. Currently only YOU should have read/write access to the database.
For setup details refer to the Appendix, Database Definition. Please notice that the database consists of only two tables and two stored procedures. The two stored procedures provide a sophisticated write and read access to the database. Since they are stored on the server side the client (user) does not need to invest a big effort but he can easily make use of them. The database structure is not intended to change over time. This means that the database maintenance effort is reduced to a possible minimum: Only if the database gets too big old records will have to be deleted. If the write access user (YOU) defines a regular maintenance procedure which deletes old data records for all fields which are regularly added to the database the effort on top of this should be zero.
Please notice: Technology should be able to rebuild or to recreate this database within two hours. This includes corruption of database indices.
User Documentation
The access structure to the database is fairly simple: There is a class of super users with write access. This is restricted to YOU only.
Super User with Read/Write Access
YOU are the owner and the only user with write access to the database. This can be reflected by a relevant AD group. This is not intended to be enhanced for other super users. YOU are responsible for all field definitions and for all feeds into the database. Later we might need to delete old unnecessary records, too. YOU are the only party to approve additional users or super users.
Please notice the limitations of this database:
• The database is not designed for mass storage
• The design is simple, field orientated. There is no support for curves or for surfaces – which means you cannot store nor retrieve curves or surfaces in one go. All points would have to be dealt with individually. This is possible but it creates quite an overhead to the database engine. So if this needs to be used it should only be temporary and not for mass storage
• Fields are stored as string values. The user needs to convert all data into the required data types
For the Excel write interface into the database refer to chapter VBA code below.
Normal User with Read-Only Access
For the Excel read interface from the database refer to chapter VBA code below. This can be reflected by the relevant AD group.
Examples to retrieve static information:
The Excel function call
would result in 29.205. Please note that this value is a string value! In order to get a number of type double you would need to convert the result yourself, for example:
The Excel function call
would result in COFP4.379 02/17.
Static data is stored with the date 1-Jan-1900. Please notice that the database would also have returned this result if you had called it with a younger date than that. This is because the sb_get_param function returns the youngest entry which is older or equal to the request date. You would need to use the sb_get_paramarray function to retrieve the complete database record (date included) to check the exact date of the returned value.
Example to retrieve market (dynamic) data:
The Excel function call
would result in {“US172967EZ03”,“PRICE_MID”,“Xtrakter”,40535,“102.172”}. Here 40535 is the numerical date of 23-Dec-2010.
SQL Code
Please read my Disclaimer.
'Source (EN): http://www.sulprobil.de/sql_en/
'Source (DE): http://www.berndplumhoff.de/sql_de/
'(C) (P) by Mike R. 10-May-2005 V1.0
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[param] (
[identifier] [varchar] (100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[param] [varchar] (100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[source] [varchar] (30) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[fromDate] [datetime] NULL ,
[toDate] [datetime] NULL ,
[value] [varchar] (500) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[updTime] [datetime] NULL
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[param_details] (
[source] [varchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[param] [varchar] (100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[idYN] [char] (1) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[rename] [varchar] (100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[priority] [int] NULL ,
[inputYN] [char] (1) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL
ON [dbo].[param]([identifier], [param], [toDate], [fromDate], [source]) ON [PRIMARY]
CREATE INDEX [param_val] ON [dbo].[param]([param], [value], [identifier], [toDate]) ON [PRIMARY]
CREATE proc get_param
@identifier varchar(100),
@param varchar(100),
@source varchar(30),
@dated datetime
if @identifier > ''
select identifier, param, source, fromDate, value
from param
where identifier = @identifier
and param like isnull( @param,param )
and source like isnull( @source,source )
and ( @dated >= fromDate
and @dated < isnull( toDate, '1 jan 3000' )
or @dated is null and toDate is null )
select identifier, param, source, fromDate, value
from param
where identifier = @identifier
and param like isnull( @param,param )
and source like isnull( @source,source )
and fromDate is null
select identifier, param, source, fromDate, value
from param
where param like isnull( @param,param )
and source like isnull( @source,source )
and ( @dated >= fromDate
and @dated < isnull( toDate, '1 jan 3000' )
or @dated is null and toDate is null )
select identifier, param, source, fromDate, value
from param
where param like isnull( @param,param )
and source like isnull( @source,source )
and fromDate is null
CREATE procedure [dbo].[set_param]
@identifier varchar(100),
@param varchar(100),
@source varchar(30),
@dated datetime,
@value varchar(500),
@stopLoop char(1) = 'n'
set nocount on
declare @vf datetime,
@vt datetime,
@rename varchar(100),
@priority int
-- ignore if bad params
if isnull( @param,'' ) = ''
or isnull( @identifier,'' ) = ''
or isnull( @value,'' ) = ''
or isnull( @source,'' ) = ''
or @value like '#N/A%'
or @value ='?'
select @rename = rename,
@priority = priority
from param_details
where source = @source
and param = @param
and @stopLoop = 'n'
if @rename > ''
if not exists(
-- an existing value from a higher priority source
select 1
from param p1
where p1.identifier = @identifier
and p1.toDate is null
and p1.fromDate >= @dated
and p1.param in (
select param
from param_details
where source=@source
and rename = @rename
and param != @param
and priority < @priority ) )
exec set_param @identifier, @rename, @source, @dated, @value, 'y'
if @source = 'input'
select @dated = getdate()
-- if static value (ie not time dependant)
if @dated is null
-- if value unchanged then return
if exists(
select 1
from param
where identifier = @identifier
and param = @param
and source = @source
and value = @value
and fromDate is null
and toDate is null )
-- update value to new value if it exists
update param
set value = @value,
updTime = getdate()
where identifier = @identifier
and param = @param
and source = @source
and fromDate is null
-- insert new value if not
if @@rowcount = 0
insert param ( identifier, param, source, fromDate, toDate, value, updTime )
values ( @identifier, @param, @source, null, null, @value, getdate() )
-- if value unchanged then return
if exists(
select 1
from param
where identifier = @identifier
and param = @param
and source = @source
and @dated >= fromDate
and @dated < isnull( toDate, '1 jan 3000' )
and value = @value )
-- get dates of existing record
select @vf = fromDate,
@vt = toDate
from param
where identifier = @identifier
and param = @param
and source = @source
and @dated >= fromDate
and @dated < isnull( toDate, '1 jan 3000' )
-- if before any current records
if @vt is null
-- get next date
select @vt = min( fromDate )
from param
where identifier = @identifier
and param = @param
and source = @source
and fromDate > @dated
-- update fromDate of any existing param for this source on this date
update param
set toDate = @dated,
updTime = getdate()
where identifier = @identifier
and param = @param
and source = @source
and fromDate = @vf
-- add new value
insert param ( identifier, param, source, fromDate, toDate, value, updTime )
select @identifier, @param, @source, @dated, @vt, @value, getdate()
-- if overwriting old data
delete param
where identifier = @identifier
and param = @param
and source = @source
and fromDate = @dated
and value != @value
VBA Code
Please read my Disclaimer.
'Necessary references:
' Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects x.x Library [for ADODB.Connection]
' Visual Basic for Applications
' Visual Basic runtime objects and procedures
' Visual Basic objects and procedures
' OLE Automation
Dim Gcn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim GsServerName As String, GsDatabaseName As String
Sub sb_open_DB()
'Source (EN): http://www.sulprobil.de/sql_en/
'Source (DE): http://www.berndplumhoff.de/sql_de/
'(C) (P) by Bernd Plumhoff 01-Jan-2022 PB V1.0
If Gcn.State = 0 Then
'Specify the OLE DB provider.
Gcn.Provider = "sqloledb"
GsServerName = "SBSERVER\SB_01"
GsDatabaseName = "SULPROBIL"
'Set SQLOLEDB connection properties.
Gcn.Properties("Data Source").Value = GsServerName
Gcn.Properties("Initial Catalog").Value = GsDatabaseName
'Windows NT authentication.
Gcn.Properties("Integrated Security").Value = "SSPI"
'Open the database.
End If
End Sub
Function sb_set_param(sIdentifier As String, sParam As String, sSource As String, _
Optional ByVal sDated As String = "19000101", Optional sValue As String = "") As Boolean
'Stores data in database
'Source (EN): http://www.sulprobil.de/sql_en/
'Source (DE): http://www.berndplumhoff.de/sql_de/
'(C) (P) by Bernd Plumhoff 01-Jan-2022 PB V1.0
Dim stSQL As String
If sValue = "" Then
sValue = "null"
sValue = "'" & sValue & "'"
End If
If sDated = "19000101" Then
sDated = "null"
sDated = "'" & sDated & "'"
End If
stSQL = "exec set_param '" & sIdentifier & _
"', '" & sParam & _
"', '" & sSource & _
"', " & sDated & _
", " & sValue
'On Error GoTo errorexit
If Gcn.state = 0 Then
Call sb_open_DB
End If
Gcn.Execute (stSQL)
sb_set_param = True
Exit Function
sb_set_param = False
End Function
Sub sb_delete(dtFrom As Date, dtTo As Date, _
Optional sSource As String = "Markit")
'Delete database records younger than CdtFrom and older than CdtTo.
'Source (EN): http://www.sulprobil.de/sql_en/
'Source (DE): http://www.berndplumhoff.de/sql_de/
'(C) (P) by Bernd Plumhoff 01-Jan-2022 PB V1.0
'Const CdtFrom = #1/1/1900# 'Remember: #MM/DD/YYYY# is Excel's internal date format!
'Const CdtTo = #3/1/2011# 'Remember: #MM/DD/YYYY# is Excel's internal date format!
Dim stSQL As String
Debug.Print "From " & Format(dtFrom, "DD-MMM-YYYY") & " to " & Format(dtTo, "DD-MMM-YYYY")
stSQL = "delete from param where fromDate > '" & Format(dtFrom, "YYYYMMDD") & _
"' and toDate < '" & Format(dtTo, "YYYYMMDD") & _
"' and source = '" & sSource & "'"
Debug.Print stSQL
If Gcn.state = 0 Then
Call sb_open_DB
End If
Gcn.Execute (stSQL)
Debug.Print "Finished."
End Sub
Function sb_get_param(sIdentifier As String, sParam As String, _
sDated, _
Optional sSource As String = "Bloomberg") As Variant
'Retrieves data from database
'Source (EN): http://www.sulprobil.de/sql_en/
'Source (DE): http://www.berndplumhoff.de/sql_de/
'(C) (P) by Bernd Plumhoff 01-Jan-2022 PB V1.0
Dim stSQL As String
Dim vdbreturn As Variant
stSQL = "exec get_param '" & sIdentifier & _
"', '" & sParam & _
"', '" & sSource & _
"', '" & sDated & "'"
On Error GoTo errorexit
If Gcn.State = 0 Then
Call sb_open_DB
End If
vdbreturn = Gcn.Execute(stSQL)
sb_get_param = vdbreturn(4)
Exit Function
On Error GoTo 0
sb_get_param = CVErr(xlErrValue)
End Function
Function sb_get_param_array(sIdentifier As String, sParam As String, _
sDated, _
Optional sSource As String = "Bloomberg") As Variant
'Retrieves data from database
'Return variant contains:
'1 - Identifier, for example "US912828HU78"
'2 - Parameter (field), for example "PRICE_MID"
'3 - Source, for example "Bloommberg"
'4 - Date, for example #12/23/2010#
'5 - Value, for example "100.32"
'Source (EN): http://www.sulprobil.de/sql_en/
'Source (DE): http://www.berndplumhoff.de/sql_de/
'(C) (P) by Bernd Plumhoff 01-Jan-2022 PB V1.0
Dim vdbreturn As Variant
Dim vreturn(1 To 5) As Variant
Dim stSQL As String
stSQL = "exec get_param '" & sIdentifier & _
"', '" & sParam & _
"', '" & sSource & _
"', '" & sDated & "'"
On Error GoTo errorexit
If Gcn.State = 0 Then
Call sb_open_DB
End If
vdbreturn = Gcn.Execute(stSQL)
vreturn(1) = vdbreturn(0)
vreturn(2) = vdbreturn(1)
vreturn(3) = vdbreturn(2)
vreturn(4) = vdbreturn(3)
vreturn(5) = vdbreturn(4)
sb_get_param_array = vreturn
Exit Function
On Error GoTo 0
sb_get_param_array = CVErr(xlErrValue)
End Function