
Let us assume you have three different products, each of them with three different types with different weights, of which you have different amounts. Of product PR you have 7 pieces of weight 404 g, then you have 4 pieces of weight 401 g, and 5 pieces with 398 g. In addition to that you have similar products BB and BO:


Now you need to determine 3 by 3 products (each product appearing exactly once, but types can occur more than once) with identical weight sums:

weight_calculation_output1 weight_calculation_output2

There are many options to calculate alle possible draws. The appendix shows a very simple but costly option (see first download file) which naivly traverses through all possible combinations. The second download file offers a Monte Carlo simulation which uses the function VBUniqRandInt VBUniqRandInt to very likely (but not surely) identify all possibilities with 500,000 iterations. A third option would be making use of the function combinations_with_k_subsets_of_n to check all possible 84 * 84 * 20 = 141,120 permutations.

One combination (there are 12 of them) of subsequent draws with the smallest remaining sum of weights is:


All 12 different draw combinations - numbers specify the output variant listed above:

First Draw Second Draw Third Draw
1 1 14
1 1 16
1 1 21
1 1 24
1 2 23
1 3 19
1 5 7
1 5 13
1 5 20
1 6 19
1 9 12
2 5 19

Appendix – AllFirstDraws and CombinationsWithMinRemainingWeight Code

Please read my Disclaimer.

Option Explicit

'Calculates 3 * 3 - tuples of same total weights.
'Source (EN): https://www.sulprobil.de/weight_calculation_en/
'Source (DE): https://www.berndplumhoff.de/gewichtberechnung_de/
'(C) (P) by Bernd Plumhoff 26-Jun-2024 PB V0.4

Sub AllFirstDraws()
Dim i                          As Long
Dim j                          As Long
Dim k                          As Long
Dim i2                         As Long
Dim j2                         As Long
Dim k2                         As Long
Dim i3                         As Long
Dim j3                         As Long
Dim k3                         As Long
Dim m                          As Long
Dim n                          As Long
Dim t                          As Long
Dim v                          As Long

Dim oGetRidofDupes             As Object

Dim vCount                     As Variant
Dim vWeight                    As Variant

Dim state                      As SystemState

With Application.WorksheetFunction
Set state = New SystemState
Set oGetRidofDupes = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
i = 1
Do While wsI.Cells(2, i) <> ""
  i = i + 1
n = (i - 1) \ 2
vCount = .Transpose(Range(wsI.Cells(3, 1), wsI.Cells(3, n).End(xlDown)))
vWeight = .Transpose(Range(wsI.Cells(3, n + 1), wsI.Cells(3, 2 * n).End(xlDown)))
For i = 1 To n
  k = 0
  For j = 1 To UBound(vCount, 2)
    k = k + vCount(j, i)
  Next j
  If k < n Then
    Call MsgBox("Not enough items in column " & i, vbOKOnly, "Error")
    Exit Sub
  End If
Next i
m = j - 1
'Debug.Print "n = " & n, "m = " & m
'Now we know the dimensions
ReDim sItem(1 To n) As String
wsO.Cells(1, 1) = "#"
wsO.Cells(1, 2) = "Total"
For i = 1 To n
  sItem(i) = wsI.Cells(2, i)
  wsO.Cells(1, i + 2) = sItem(i)
  wsO.Cells(1, n + 2 + i) = sItem(i) & " count"
  wsO.Cells(1, 2 * n + 2 + i) = sItem(i) & " weight"
Next i

ReDim lPermutWeight(1 To n, 1 To n * m) As Long
ReDim lPermutIdx(1 To n) As Long
ReDim lPermutSubGroupIdx(1 To n, 1 To n * m) As Long

For i = 1 To n
  t = 0
  For j = 1 To m
    For k = 1 To .Min(n, vCount(i, j))
      t = t + 1
      lPermutWeight(i, t) = vWeight(i, j)
      lPermutSubGroupIdx(i, t) = j
    Next k
  Next j
  lPermutIdx(i) = t
Next i

v = 2
For i = 1 To lPermutIdx(1)
  For j = 1 To lPermutIdx(1)
    If j <> i Then
      For k = 1 To lPermutIdx(1)
        If k <> j And k <> i Then
          For i2 = 1 To lPermutIdx(2)
            For j2 = 1 To lPermutIdx(2)
              If j2 <> i2 Then
                For k2 = 1 To lPermutIdx(2)
                  If k2 <> j2 And k2 <> i2 Then
                    For i3 = 1 To lPermutIdx(3)
                      For j3 = 1 To lPermutIdx(3)
                        If j3 <> i3 Then
                          For k3 = 1 To lPermutIdx(3)
                            If k3 <> j3 And k3 <> i3 Then
                              'Debug.Print lPermutWeight(1, i) & " + " & lPermutWeight(2, i2) & " + " & lPermutWeight(3, i3) & " ?= " & lPermutWeight(1, j) & " + " & lPermutWeight(2, j2) & " + " & lPermutWeight(3, j3) & " And " & lPermutWeight(1, i) & " + " & lPermutWeight(2, i2) & " + " & lPermutWeight(3, i3) & " ?= " & lPermutWeight(1, k) & " + " & lPermutWeight(2, k2) & " + " & lPermutWeight(3, k3)
                              If lPermutWeight(1, i) + lPermutWeight(2, i2) + lPermutWeight(3, i3) = _
                                 lPermutWeight(1, j) + lPermutWeight(2, j2) + lPermutWeight(3, j3) And _
                                 lPermutWeight(1, i) + lPermutWeight(2, i2) + lPermutWeight(3, i3) = _
                                 lPermutWeight(1, k) + lPermutWeight(2, k2) + lPermutWeight(3, k3) Then
                                 If Not oGetRidofDupes.exists(lPermutWeight(1, i) & "|" & lPermutWeight(2, i2) & "|" & lPermutWeight(3, i3) & "|" & _
                                    lPermutWeight(1, j) & "|" & lPermutWeight(2, j2) & "|" & lPermutWeight(3, j3) & "|" & _
                                    lPermutWeight(1, k) & "|" & lPermutWeight(2, k2) & "|" & lPermutWeight(3, k3)) Then
                                    oGetRidofDupes(lPermutWeight(1, i) & "|" & lPermutWeight(2, i2) & "|" & lPermutWeight(3, i3) & "|" & _
                                      lPermutWeight(1, j) & "|" & lPermutWeight(2, j2) & "|" & lPermutWeight(3, j3) & "|" & _
                                      lPermutWeight(1, k) & "|" & lPermutWeight(2, k2) & "|" & lPermutWeight(3, k3)) = 1
                                    oGetRidofDupes(lPermutWeight(1, i) & "|" & lPermutWeight(2, i2) & "|" & lPermutWeight(3, i3) & "|" & _
                                      lPermutWeight(1, k) & "|" & lPermutWeight(2, k2) & "|" & lPermutWeight(3, k3) & "|" & _
                                      lPermutWeight(1, j) & "|" & lPermutWeight(2, j2) & "|" & lPermutWeight(3, j3)) = 1
                                    oGetRidofDupes(lPermutWeight(1, j) & "|" & lPermutWeight(2, j2) & "|" & lPermutWeight(3, j3) & "|" & _
                                      lPermutWeight(1, i) & "|" & lPermutWeight(2, i2) & "|" & lPermutWeight(3, i3) & "|" & _
                                      lPermutWeight(1, k) & "|" & lPermutWeight(2, k2) & "|" & lPermutWeight(3, k3)) = 1
                                    oGetRidofDupes(lPermutWeight(1, j) & "|" & lPermutWeight(2, j2) & "|" & lPermutWeight(3, j3) & "|" & _
                                      lPermutWeight(1, k) & "|" & lPermutWeight(2, k2) & "|" & lPermutWeight(3, k3) & "|" & _
                                      lPermutWeight(1, i) & "|" & lPermutWeight(2, i2) & "|" & lPermutWeight(3, i3)) = 1
                                    oGetRidofDupes(lPermutWeight(1, k) & "|" & lPermutWeight(2, k2) & "|" & lPermutWeight(3, k3) & "|" & _
                                      lPermutWeight(1, i) & "|" & lPermutWeight(2, i2) & "|" & lPermutWeight(3, i3) & "|" & _
                                      lPermutWeight(1, j) & "|" & lPermutWeight(2, j2) & "|" & lPermutWeight(3, j3)) = 1
                                    oGetRidofDupes(lPermutWeight(1, k) & "|" & lPermutWeight(2, k2) & "|" & lPermutWeight(3, k3) & "|" & _
                                      lPermutWeight(1, j) & "|" & lPermutWeight(2, j2) & "|" & lPermutWeight(3, j3) & "|" & _
                                      lPermutWeight(1, i) & "|" & lPermutWeight(2, i2) & "|" & lPermutWeight(3, i3)) = 1
                                    wsO.Cells(v, 1) = (v + 1) \ n
                                    wsO.Cells(v, 2) = lPermutWeight(1, i) + lPermutWeight(2, i2) + lPermutWeight(3, i3)
                                    wsO.Cells(v, 3) = lPermutWeight(1, i)
                                    wsO.Cells(v, 4) = lPermutWeight(2, i2)
                                    wsO.Cells(v, 5) = lPermutWeight(3, i3)
                                    wsO.Cells(v + 1, 3) = lPermutWeight(1, j)
                                    wsO.Cells(v + 1, 4) = lPermutWeight(2, j2)
                                    wsO.Cells(v + 1, 5) = lPermutWeight(3, j3)
                                    wsO.Cells(v + 2, 3) = lPermutWeight(1, k)
                                    wsO.Cells(v + 2, 4) = lPermutWeight(2, k2)
                                    wsO.Cells(v + 2, 5) = lPermutWeight(3, k3)
                                    wsO.Cells(v, 6) = vCount(1, 1) - IIf(lPermutSubGroupIdx(1, i) = 1, 1, 0) - IIf(lPermutSubGroupIdx(1, j) = 1, 1, 0) - IIf(lPermutSubGroupIdx(1, k) = 1, 1, 0)
                                    wsO.Cells(v, 7) = vCount(2, 1) - IIf(lPermutSubGroupIdx(2, i2) = 1, 1, 0) - IIf(lPermutSubGroupIdx(2, j2) = 1, 1, 0) - IIf(lPermutSubGroupIdx(2, k2) = 1, 1, 0)
                                    wsO.Cells(v, 8) = vCount(3, 1) - IIf(lPermutSubGroupIdx(3, i3) = 1, 1, 0) - IIf(lPermutSubGroupIdx(3, j3) = 1, 1, 0) - IIf(lPermutSubGroupIdx(3, k3) = 1, 1, 0)
                                    wsO.Cells(v + 1, 6) = vCount(1, 2) - IIf(lPermutSubGroupIdx(1, i) = 2, 1, 0) - IIf(lPermutSubGroupIdx(1, j) = 2, 1, 0) - IIf(lPermutSubGroupIdx(1, k) = 2, 1, 0)
                                    wsO.Cells(v + 1, 7) = vCount(2, 2) - IIf(lPermutSubGroupIdx(2, i2) = 2, 1, 0) - IIf(lPermutSubGroupIdx(2, j2) = 2, 1, 0) - IIf(lPermutSubGroupIdx(2, k2) = 2, 1, 0)
                                    wsO.Cells(v + 1, 8) = vCount(3, 2) - IIf(lPermutSubGroupIdx(3, i3) = 2, 1, 0) - IIf(lPermutSubGroupIdx(3, j3) = 2, 1, 0) - IIf(lPermutSubGroupIdx(3, k3) = 2, 1, 0)
                                    wsO.Cells(v + 2, 6) = vCount(1, 3) - IIf(lPermutSubGroupIdx(1, i) = 3, 1, 0) - IIf(lPermutSubGroupIdx(1, j) = 3, 1, 0) - IIf(lPermutSubGroupIdx(1, k) = 3, 1, 0)
                                    wsO.Cells(v + 2, 7) = vCount(2, 3) - IIf(lPermutSubGroupIdx(2, i2) = 3, 1, 0) - IIf(lPermutSubGroupIdx(2, j2) = 3, 1, 0) - IIf(lPermutSubGroupIdx(2, k2) = 3, 1, 0)
                                    wsO.Cells(v + 2, 8) = vCount(3, 3) - IIf(lPermutSubGroupIdx(3, i3) = 3, 1, 0) - IIf(lPermutSubGroupIdx(3, j3) = 3, 1, 0) - IIf(lPermutSubGroupIdx(3, k3) = 3, 1, 0)
                                    wsO.Cells(v, 9) = vWeight(1, 1)
                                    wsO.Cells(v, 10) = vWeight(2, 1)
                                    wsO.Cells(v, 11) = vWeight(3, 1)
                                    wsO.Cells(v + 1, 9) = vWeight(1, 2)
                                    wsO.Cells(v + 1, 10) = vWeight(2, 2)
                                    wsO.Cells(v + 1, 11) = vWeight(3, 2)
                                    wsO.Cells(v + 2, 9) = vWeight(1, 3)
                                    wsO.Cells(v + 2, 10) = vWeight(2, 3)
                                    wsO.Cells(v + 2, 11) = vWeight(3, 3)
                                    v = v + 3
                                 End If
                              End If
                            End If
                          Next k3
                        End If
                      Next j3
                    Next i3
                  End If
                Next k2
              End If
            Next j2
          Next i2
        End If
      Next k
    End If
  Next j
Next i
End With
End Sub

Sub CombinationsWithMinRemainingWeight()

Dim i                          As Long
Dim j                          As Long
Dim k                          As Long
Dim m                          As Long
Dim maxsum                     As Long
Dim n                          As Long
Dim sum(1 To 33)               As Long
Dim t                          As Long
Dim u                          As Long
Dim v                          As Long
Dim w                          As Long

Dim vCount                     As Variant
Dim vC(1 To 33)                As Variant
Dim vCi(1 To 3)                As Variant

Dim state                      As SystemState

With Application.WorksheetFunction
Set state = New SystemState

i = 1
Do While wsI.Cells(2, i) <> ""
  i = i + 1
n = (i - 1) \ 2
vCount = .Transpose(.Transpose(Range(wsI.Cells(3, 1), wsI.Cells(3, n).End(xlDown))))
For i = 1 To n
  k = 0
  For j = 1 To UBound(vCount, 2)
    k = k + vCount(j, i)
  Next j
  If k < n Then
    Call MsgBox("Not enough items in column " & i, vbOKOnly, "Error")
    Exit Sub
  End If
Next i
m = j - 1

i = 2
t = wsO.Cells(i, 1)
Do While t <> 0
  sum(t) = wsO.Cells(i, 2)
  vC(t) = .Transpose(.Transpose(Range(wsO.Cells(i, 6), wsO.Cells(i + 2, 8))))
  i = i + 3
  t = wsO.Cells(i, 1)

t = 0
maxsum = 0
For i = 1 To 33
  vCi(1) = vC(i)
  For j = 1 To 33
    vCi(2) = vCi(1)
    For m = 1 To 3
      For n = 1 To 3
        If vCi(1)(m, n) < vCount(m, n) - vC(j)(m, n) Then GoTo Label_Next_j
        vCi(2)(m, n) = vCi(1)(m, n) - vCount(m, n) + vC(j)(m, n)
      Next n
    Next m
    For k = 1 To 33
      vCi(3) = vCi(2)
      For m = 1 To 3
        For n = 1 To 3
          If vCi(2)(m, n) < vCount(m, n) - vC(k)(m, n) Then GoTo Label_Next_k
          vCi(3)(m, n) = vCi(2)(m, n) - vCount(m, n) + vC(k)(m, n)
        Next n
      Next m
      If maxsum <= 3 * (sum(i) + sum(j) + sum(k)) Then
        maxsum = 3 * (sum(i) + sum(j) + sum(k))
        t = t + 1
        Debug.Print t, maxsum, i, j, k
      End If
    Next k
  Next j
Next i

End With

End Sub

Useful Extensions and Generalisations

With these approaches the quick and not too clean first solution mentioned above could be extended:

(also here: https://www.vitoshacademy.com/vba-nested-loops-with-recursion/ )





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Weight_Calculation.xlsm [50 KB Excel file, open and use at your own risk]

Weight_Calculation_MC.xlsm [58 KB Excel file, open and use at your own risk]